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Dabbsson's multi-dimensional battery tab integrated cutting technology founded in EV significantly increases the current-carrying capacity of electrodes, solving the key problem that temperatures rise too high in cells during charging, enhancing the performance and safety to a next level. From our173,000 sqmgreen base, we control every stage of the manufacturing process. More than20+ world-class production lineswork in tandem to manufacture products that exceed industry safety & quality standards, realizing large-scale automated manufacturing. we’ve been qualified as a National Green Factory. That’s why we adopt energy-saving and 0 water pollution pro-environmental manufacturing policies. We offer a standard 5% sales commission for our affiliates. Furthermore, customers purchasing from our website can enjoy not only high-quality products but also attentive after-sales service. In addition to providing solid products, we are committed to delivering an unparalleled shopping experience. To demonstrate our confidence in the durability of our power stations, we provide a 5-year warranty that covers all of power stations and expandable batteries.
