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Historic Newspapers

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Are you passionate about history, nostalgia, or unique gifts? Look no further! Our Historic Newspapers Affiliate Program offers a unique & exciting opportunity.

Why partner with us?

1. Authenticity: We have an extensive collection of 3 million authentic original newspapers spanning from the early 1900s to recent dates. These timeless gems hold stories that resonate with curiosity and wonder.

2. Personalized Treasures: Our personalized newspaper books celebrate specific dates – birthdays, anniversaries, and historical milestones. Imagine the joy of flipping through pages that chronicle events close to your heart.

3. Sports Enthusiasts: Dive into our remarkable sports books! Relive iconic game-winning goals, legendary rivalries, and electrifying moments. Whether it’s football, cricket, or any sport, our books transport you back in time.

4. Entertainment and Music Books: Discover newspaper headlines that captured the buzz of entertainment and music history. From Elvis Presley to The Oscars, our collection immerses you in the cultural fabric of the past.

Generous Commissions: Earn a 10% commission on every sale you facilitate.
30-Day Cookie Window: Your referrals are tracked for 30 days, ensuring you receive credit for sales.
Quality Content: Promote genuine historical content that resonates with your audience.
