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Introducing the world's first and only patented Gold-Back Rebates – the exclusive Loyalty-Reward designed to combat inflation. We are thrilled to announce that our beta launch is now underway.

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Crypto Investors Go for Gold

Investors flock for Gold over Bitcoin.
Jack Inabinet Apr 16, 2024 • 2 min read


Gold Fever. Escalating geopolitical tensions sent onchain degens flocking to gold this weekend. Why didn’t investors turn to BTC as a store of value, and why do they continue to ape precious metals?

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Exclusive Loyalty Rewards:
Patented Gold-Backed Rebates – The Ultimate Fintech-Embedded Savings Solution Profiting from Inflation

Summary: OMG “Oh My Gold” Rewards is the only Secured EMBEDDED SAVINGS** Solution Offering pure physical Gold as a reward for purchases. The Patented Loyalty Rewards system is designed to guarantee that the Rewards hold, or gain value with inflation, to truly benefit members Savings assets accumulation. Patent Subject Titled:” Process for providing physical gold-back rebates on purchases by a secured gold-back savings system”- US10423974B2

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Understanding and tapping into the world of embedded savings

Embedded finance (EmFi) has been one of the most hyped financial technology topics of the past two years and is estimated to reach revenues of US $7.2 trillion by 2026. Essentially the placement of a financial product in a nonfinancial customer experience, journey, or platform, EmFi is transforming the way customers approach areas such as banking, payments, lending, wealth management and insurance.

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Understanding and tapping into the world of embedded savings

Our OMG Rewards patented program is a form of EMBEDDED

SAVINGS,which allows Members to:  ”Spend Your Way to Secured Savings”-™...automatically through normal everyday spending on wants and needs and occasional or everyday LUXURY Spending too! Who Knew?!

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MY WHY & How,I created SUSTAINABILITY of the Human-Kind,

with the Ultimate and Only truly “Secured Embedded Savings Solution”, and it's Patented!

OMG “Oh My Gold” Rewards is the only Secured EMBEDDED SAVINGS** Solution Offering pure physical Gold as a reward for purchases. The Patented Loyalty Rewards system is designed to guarantee that the Rewards hold or gain value with inflation to truly benefit members' savings assets accumulation. Patent Subject Titled:” Process for Providing Physical Gold-back Rebates on Purchases by a Secured Gold-back Savings System”-US10423974B2

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The Only Thing That Matters

First obvious fact: there is an incredibly wide divergence of success—some of those startups are insanely successful, some highly successful, many somewhat successful, and quite a few of course outright fail.
Second obvious fact: there is an incredibly wide divergence of caliber and quality for the three core elements of each startup—team, product, and market.

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Saving in gold is the only reliable way to save 

By Claudio Grass April 25, 2024

For the longest time, according to conventional and widely embraced wisdom, all responsible and prudent members of society had to have a savings account. All those hardworking taxpayers and all those forward-thinking and sensible individuals that understand the importance of planning ahead, of being prepared for whatever the future holds and of securing a better life for their children, have traditionally been expected to put whatever they could afford aside from their paycheck every month, and to deposit it in that “untouchable” account. It was strictly meant to be used after retirement, or for their kids’ college tuition, or in case of a devastating illness or other catastrophic emergency.

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You can't have your cake and eat it "UNTIL NOW..FINALLY, YOU CAN WITH OMG REWARDS!

You can't have your cake and eat it (too) is a popular English idiomatic proverb or figure of speech.The proverb literally means "you cannot simultaneously retain possession of a cake and eat it, too". Once the cake is eaten, it is gone. It can be used to say that one cannot have two incompatible things, or that one should not try to have more than is reasonable. The proverb's meaning is similar to the phrases "you can't have it both ways" and "you can't have the best of both worlds." 
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Gold standard for the U$D in Aug 1971 till now...

GOLD since we went totally off the Gold standard for the U$D in Aug 1971 till now...check again Aug 2024 @ 53 years spot price (?), so far its averaged over 8% average per year. A 6.5% CAGR to *% CAGR is what US Pensions in U$D need to pay their liabilities and avoid default/ bankruptcy!
Who knew!?

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Gold — the Eternal Value. In the modern world, the right investment may be key to your future wealth. But how should one choose a subject to invest in? Is it better to put your hard-earned money into new risky ventures and explore new opportunities or remained tied to the classics? Check our latest article to make your choice.

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Why Is Gold So Valuable? History's Timeless (ETERNAL) Metal
Why is gold valuable?
For thousands of years, gold has functioned as a store of wealth that sees its value climb in times of economic or societal unrest. Gold jewelry has been a sought-after luxury good since before the dawn of the first civilizations.
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Precious metal ratios and recessions

The ratios of gold to other precious metals such as silver platinum and palladium have been increasing over the past year. In the case of platinum, the ratio is near all-time highs. We find that historically gold has strongly outperformed other precious metals during every US recession since 1971

Gold prices and interest rates tend to move in opposite directions. We have already extensively written about this before (Gold Price Framework Vol. 2: The energy side of the equation, May 28, 2018, here (Part II, 10 July 2018) and here (Part III, 24 August 2018), as well as some follow up reports that built on the model (Gold Price Framework Update – the New Cycle Accelerates, 28 January 2021), (Gold prices continue to weather the rate storm, 13 April, 2022 and Gold prices reflect a shift in paradigm – Part I and Part II, March 15 & 16, 2023)
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$2,200 Gold -- Why the Rally is Just Getting Started

Since its inception in 1986 as part of the esteemed American Eagle Bullion program, the American Silver Eagle has become one of the go-to choices for investors seeking silver assets. In fact, it’s the top-selling coin at GoldSilver.

 But what sets it apart from other similar silver coins?

In this week's Nuggets, we'll give you the facts on one of the world’s most popular silver bullion products. Also, catch up on the latest gold price predictions from JP Morgan, Federal Reserve updates, and more.

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Loyalty Programs Market Intelligence

The global loyalty program market is valued at $180 billion in 2022 (E). The market is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 5–6 percent to $179–191 billion between 2022 and 2026(F) . Regions, such as Western Europe, North America, and some parts of APAC, such as Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, have high market maturity. 

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COVID-19 Impact on Loyalty Program Market

The COVID-19 crisis is positively impacting the loyalty market as a majority of customers are rapidly shifting toward digital channels to buy products or services amidst the nationwide lockdown and related restrictions. The unprecedented growth of the e-commerce industry during the public-health crisis has influenced retailers to attract and retain maximum consumers to their websites, setting high hopes for loyalty platform providers.

**There is no form of Loyalty/Rewards now or ever will be, the undeniably unequaled human "Desire for Gold", to compare or even come close to The "Allure of Gold"** ,desired by ALL ,Universally & Ubiquitously for Thousands of Years!

 End of the ( Old )Story,and the beginning of the New World order story of Gold. The World is about to set huge Future History Records, in the unmatched "Glory of Gold"! The ONLY form of Loyalty-Rewards that increases in Value with inflation,while all other forms lose value with inflation!

Gold is" The Currency of Truth" (i.e.The ONLY REAL Money/Currency) and Math is the "Language of Truth" (i.e. Mathematical Formulas of Facts only). Just "DO THE MATH" (i.e. CAGR of Gold over 8% for 52 years so far,and thousands of years use as Money/Trade currency in human history records),and we Win-WIN-Win!

The Allure of Gold

The Egyptians used it to create funeral masks for their pharaohs. The Incas called it the "sweat of the sun." It is used to make medals for the best athletes in the world. It symbolizes wealth and riches. Over the centuries, gold has become important to humans. The heavy metal has cultural and economic meaning for human civilizations around the world. But this wasn't always the case.

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Global Market Outlook

  • The global loyalty program market is valued at $180 billion in 2022 (E). The market is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 5–6 percent to $179–191 billion between 2022 and 2026(F) . Regions, such as Western Europe, North America, and some parts of APAC, such as Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, have high market maturity. The APAC and parts of Latin America are expected to be the future growth driving markets for loyalty program services.
  • Price, input cost and demand movements are in a neutral/almost favorable condition to procurement, while the competition is stable.
  • Loyalty program penetration is high outside Europe and North America, due to increasing e-commerce and online buying behavior of the customers.
  • High adoption for Loyalty Program in APAC, due to the presence of regional/global suppliers with established technology platform and regional/local merchant network offering iconic reward catalog. Global buyers are looking at consolidating the supply base.The Middle East and Africa have low adoption, as infrastructure and connectivity pose a challenge in rewards sourcing, fulfillment, and delivery in certain locations.


Ranked: The Largest Gold Reserves, by CountryPublished 1 day ago on February 20, 2024

OMG TECH TEAM:Enacton Technologies

Company Overview: 

Enacton is a software development company that specializes in providing end-to-end software development and consulting services for affiliate business solutions. The company offers a wide range of software development services including custom software development, mobile application development, web development, and extension development.

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OMG newly added features

There were a few major works that we did additionally on the base products such as:

Website UI - We’ve completely molded the website UI into the client's expectation without compromising any high functionality. A few features that we added to the website are as follows:

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OMG-Oh My Gold(-TM) Rewards #1



GoldMan Videos

GM Flash fire v 3

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DO The Solid Math on Solid Gold for Spending your way to Secured Savings spa la



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Introducing the world's first and only patented Gold-Back Rebates – the exclusive Loyalty-Reward designed to combat inflation.

OMG Rewards is the only Secured Savings Membership Club offering pure physical Gold as a reward for purchases. The patented rewards system is designed to guarantee that the rewards hold, or gain value with INFLATION, to truly benefit members.

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Goldback rebates patent granted.

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PATENTED! Worlds 1st & only Gold-Back
Rebates=Secured Savings System!
